Monday, August 31, 2009


I have known you through centuries -
In my dreams I am gently guided;
Times and eras where we have been -
Blessed memories, I stand excited.

For all eternity, I have known you -
Through each cycle, to find you at last;
Once again, remembering every event;
As if, all in one moment, is our past.

What was it, my love, that I once did?
A cell of worry exists through fear;
Perhaps, it is, you misunderstood -
It was for your love, I took that spear.

And here and now you seek me out -
Whirling in emotion brought from there;
Rushes running through our veins -
Pinning these hearts that do so dare.

Wondering, why this time, we have chosen -
Such miles in obstacles to be near;
Your day - My night; Opposite worlds -
Why now, in this time, does this appear?

Not meant to be? I couldn't believe -
How is it, through all, we have still found;
The hearts that beat only for each other -
The signs, all around us, so profound.

Come hither, my love, as I await -
Or bring me to the nearness we so need;
For centuries, together, we have worked -
Planting this ever blossoming seed.

Beth Layne 2009

Thursday, August 27, 2009


The butterflies have returned -
Once again, they whirl inside me;
At the sight of you, fluttering -
A sight they so longed to see.

Your energy is with me still -
Though you are so many miles away;
Lost in the moment without time -
With so much still left to say.

I knew you would not go far -
Still the agony swelled deep;
Needing your smile, your words -
My heart took a giant leap.

Faith in knowing without a doubt -
The bigger plan, yet to be seen;
Our future is still yet to be -
Waiting to see what it all means.

Beth Layne 2009